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  • Vikings Season 6 (S06) : Part 1 & 2 - Streaming Vf - Vostfr - HD

    The Vikings series is coming to an end in season 6. Intrigue, suspense, defeats, victories, great events are taking place in the series. If you are too eager to discover season 6, here is a summary of parts 1 and 2 to calm your appetite. To not miss any episode of Vikings, you can watch the free streaming Vostfr - HD or you can for example download it on Netflix. Here is a summary of the poignant scenes of season 6.


    Summary Vikings Season 6 Part 1


    In his flight, Ivar has been captured by Prince Oleg, a Rus' Viking nicknamed the "Prophet", who intends to reconquer Scandinavia. In Kattegat, Björn condemns Ivar's last lieutenants to exile. Then a messenger informs him that King Olaf has invaded Harald's lands and that Harald asks for help.


    The new life of Lagertha


    For her part, Lagertha, Ragnar Lothbrok's first wife and Björn's mother, retires to lead her life as a farmer. As for Kjetill, he returns to Kattegat with not very reassuring news. He tells Björn that Floki has disappeared from his new colony. Obviously, Björn doubts this news and asks Kjetill to accompany him to help Harald.


    Ivar's thirst for power and revenge


    Ivar accompanies Oleg and witnesses the murder of his brother Askold. Back in Kiev, Oleg takes the opportunity to imprison and torture his other brother Dir. As for Ivar, he tries to gain the trust of young Igor, the legitimate heir of the Rus' kingdom. Björn actually leaves to rescue Harald and leaves Kattegat to his brother Ubbe who watches over his hometown while waiting for his brother's return.


    Hvitserk goes mad because of his obsession with Iva


    Hvitserk gradually lost his mind in his thirst for revenge against Ivar. The men that Björn had exiled attacked the small village that Lagertha governs, a village that was experiencing great difficulties with brigands. Hali, Björn and Torvi's son, was one of the many victims. Björn goes to meet Olaf, who agrees to give his kingdom back to Harald on the condition that a summit be organized to elect a king for all of Norway. Olaf wishes to propose the name of Björn. In exchange for a future alliance, Ivar and Igor free Dir, Oleg's captive brother. It is then that Ivar meets Princess Katia, Prince Oleg's wife.


    Harald crowned King of Norway


    The bandits attacked again, but this time Lagertha led the villagers to victory. However, Lagertha was seriously wounded in the fight and tried to reach Kattegat. The kings and Jarls of Norway voted and, to everyone's surprise, Harald was elected king of all Norway as a result of his schemes. The same evening, he sends men to kill Björn who manages to escape.


    The death of Lagertha


    Lagertha arrives in Kattegat, but crosses the road of Hvitserk who suffers from a violent attack of hallucination. He then confuses Lagertha with a snake and kills her. Thus, the omens of the soothsayer, who had predicted to the heroine that she would be killed by one of Ragnar's sons if she did not take his omens to the letter, came true.

    Lagertha was given a grand funeral. Her son Björn arrived just in time to say goodbye to his mother. He condemned Hvitserk to be burned alive for killing his mother, but changed his mind at the last moment. He prefers to banish him and let him suffer for the rest of his life.


    Björn's defeat


    Olaf prévient Harald que les Vikings Rus’ sont sur le point de les envahir. Ubbe et Torvi se rendent en Islande avec Kjetill afin de rencontrer Othere, un voyageur qui dit avoir découvert des terres verdoyantes loin à l’Ouest. Torvi accouche de l’enfant d’Ubbe et le nomme Ragnar. Face à l’invasion imminente des Rus’, Björn demande l’aide à Harald. Hvitserk est découvert par les Rus’ et Ivar lors d’un raid. Ivar ramène son frère à Kiev. Les Vikings Rus’, menés par Oleg et Ivar attaquent et prennent rapidement le dessus. Harald est gravement blessé et Ivar apparaît devant Björn pour le transpercer de son épée.


    Summary Vikings Season 6 Part 2


    After the battle, Björn, back in Kattegat, is very seriously injured. Harald and Olaf became prisoners of Oleg. Harald managed to escape, but Olaf, who did not succeed, was burned alive.


    The return and death of Björn


    Prince Oleg, at the head of the Rus' army, attacks Kattegat. Björn, who was thought to be dead on the beach, emerges on his horse to launch the riposte despite the arrows that pierce his body. He seems determined to finish one last time with Ivar or Hvitserk. The Rus' warriors thought they were facing an invincible warrior. Many of them, terrified, fled the battle and thus gave victory to Björn's soldiers. However, he didn't have much of a chance after Ivar's wound. He was given a funeral worthy of his name.


    The defeat of Oleg


    Oleg retourne à Kiev, furieux de sa défaite. Sur les conseils d’Erik, Gunnhild organise des élections afin d’élire un nouveau souverain pour Kattegat. Pendant ce temps, Harald refait son apparition pour reprendre le trône. Ubbe, accompagné de Torvi, Kjetill et Othere, part pour sa grande expédition. Cependant, il est pris dans une violente tempête et perd sa fille.


    The discovery of Greenland


    Igor and Hvitserk flee Kiev, accompanied by Oleg's wife Katia and young Igor, the only true heir to the Rus' throne. They join Prince Dir in order to overthrow Oleg. As for Ubbe, he lands on a land that happens to be Greenland. However, the land is not fertile and hunger is felt. Miraculously, a whale washes up on Kjetill's land. Kjetill, convinced that it was a sign from the gods to prove his power, refused to share it with the other settlers. A battle breaks out and Kjetill's son is killed by Ubbe who ends up fleeing with Torvi, Othere and the others, leaving Kjetill alone without a ship.


    The death of Oleg and Gunnhild


    Prince Dir seizes Kiev without a fight. The population welcomes him as a liberator and Oleg is shot by an arrow from his nephew Igor. Harald makes his sudden return. After having tricked Gunnhild and Ingrid to proclaim himself king, he asks Björn's two wives to marry him. Ingrid accepts out of spite, but Gunnhild prefers to succeed herself to join her husband Björn in Valhalla.


    The new battle of Wessex and the encounter with the Amerindians


    Ivar learns that Katia is carrying his child. Despite this, he and Hvitserk decide to leave Kiev and return to Kattegat, their native kingdom. They succeed in convincing Harald to lead a new raid in England. Harald appoints Erik as regent. Erik tries to convince Ingrid to marry him. She remembers that a long time ago, Erik had sold her into slavery. Ingrid, who has no other hobby than witchcraft, takes advantage of a night when she shares Erik's bed to make him go blind.

    Ubbe, Othere and Torvi wander at sea without food or water for a while. Just as they think their end is near, they finally see the golden land. On his side, Alfred prepares the soldiers of Wessex for the arrival of the Viking troops. The settlers discover the presence of Micmac Indians in this new land that will later be called America. The natives lead them to meet another Viking who had washed up on this land. This person is none other than Floki.


    The death of Harald, Ivar and the conversion of Hvitserk


    The battle between the Wessex and the Vikings begins. At first, it was Harald who lost his life. Then, it is Ivar's turn who voluntarily lets himself be stabbed by a soldier of Alfred, which puts an end to the battle. Hvitserk stayed in England and was baptized.


    The reign of Ingrid


    Kattegat remains in the hands of Ingrid who will have taken care to have Erik assassinated. She reigns over these lands. Ingrid follows in Lagertha's footsteps and promises a new era of royalty.


    The return of Floki


    The series ends with Ubbe and Floki meeting on the beach and talking warmly and at length about the better future that awaits them. Floki finally decides to stay on the island and devote his life to protecting its peace and tranquility, a decision that Ubbe fully supports.


    This marks a fitting end for the two characters who were previously at odds with each other when they first met. It is also a moving and meaningful moment, as both characters have grown and changed greatly during their journey.


    Reviews and opinions on Vikings season 6:


    Vikings Season 6 is the final episode of this epic historical drama series and fans are not disappointed. Reviews of this season have been overwhelmingly positive, with praise for its "dynamic storytelling" (The Guardian), "high production values" (The Hollywood Reporter) and "thrilling performances" (The New York Times).


    It's a fitting finale for a beloved show that has captivated viewers around the world since it first aired in 2013. The sixth season is packed with impressive fight scenes, heartbreaking moments and unexpected twists that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Fans will rejoice as they watch the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok unite to oppose Ivar the Boneless and his army...