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  • Freyja : History and Legends in Norse Mythology

    March 03, 2023 5 min read

    Freyja : History and Legends in Norse Mythology

    From Old Norse Freyja, this name means "Lady". In Norse mythology, Freyja is a very important goddess. She is a Vanir deity, but from the Aesir-Vanir war, she became an honorary member of the tribe of deities Aesir . She is the daughter of Njord and the sister of Freyr. Nerthus could be his mother, but that's not certain. In the Scandinavian literature , Odr is depicted as her husband, but he is very similar to Odin. Furthermore, Freya is also identical to Frigg, Odin's wife.






    Freyja is known for her selflessness and beauty. It is also to be invoked to ensure fertilization. In a poem by Eddic, Loki accuses him of having made love with his brother and also with all the gods and elves. She is shown to be a sensual person who always satisfies her pleasures. She is also daring and eager for thrills.

    Freya is a goddess endowed with great beauty and charm, which she does not hesitate to use to get what she needs. She adores luxury and beautiful things; she is passionate about reading, poetry and singing. Thanks to her beauty, she has many admirers among gods, goddesses, giants and even dwarfs.

    Beautiful as she is, Freya also has a knack for turning her tears into small blades of gold.



    Freyja lives near Folkvangr which means "people's field" or "military field" in the realm of the gods in Asgard. It is a place where half of the fallen warriors are collected, the other being sent to Odin. Since it is Freya who seeks out these deceased on the battlefield, she always has first choice over them.






    In her travels through the nine realms, Freya uses several animals to help her get from place to place. Let's take a closer look at these magical animals and find out why they are so important to Freya and the other gods and goddesses of Asgard.


    Freya's Cats

    Freya's two cats, Bygul and Trjegul, are often mentioned when discussing her travels. They pull his chariot into the skies, allowing him to move quickly between realms. While these cats aren't as powerful or magical as some of the other animals associated with Freya, they still play an important role in helping her get around.


    The Falcon Cape

    One of the most famous items in Freya's wardrobe is her cloak made from hawk feathers. This cape not only allows Freya to fly through the air anonymously, but it also grants her magical powers that allow her to see what is happening on the ground. This cloak has become so popular that other gods and goddesses often borrow it for their own journeys through Asgard.


    The wild boar Hildisvini

    Freya's boar, Hildisvini, is probably the most iconic animal associated with her mythology. He is said to be incredibly fast and can carry Freya and Odhinn (the main god) when needed. Besides her ability to travel quickly between realms, Hildisvini also provides protection for Freya when she rides him.




    Freya plays an important role in Norse mythology as she is closely linked to love and war. For example, it is said that she had an affair with Baldur, the son of Odin, which allowed her to give birth to twins, Höðr and Váli, who would later play an important role in Ragnarok (the end of the time).

    In Norse mythology Freya is also said to have been a völva who practiced magic. She practices one of the magics of Norse mythology which is prophetism. She is the first to produce this form of magic among the gods and it then spread to humans. Freya is an intelligent goddess with unique and unrivaled powers, and it's mostly due to her ability to control and manipulate desires.

    THE Seidr was a form of magic that involved sensing the course of fate and changing it by weaving together other events. This power can be used for any imaginable purpose. In addition, one can find in Nordic literature all the concepts that encompass human life.

    During the Viking Age, the Völva was depicted as a traveling seer and witch. Indeed, she moves through cities in the exercise of Seidr . In exchange, he is offered all kinds of compensation such as food or accommodation. Like so many other northern Eurasian shamans, she is sometimes revered and desired, sometimes despised and feared.




    This role that Freya holds among the gods is demonstrated in the saga Ynglinga and it is also alluded to in the Eddas. In one tale, she is said to possess hawk plumes that allow her to change her form into a hawk.

    During the "period of immigration" around the years 400-800 AD (the period which preceded the Viking era), the character who would engender the Völva held an important role in the institution and the German tribes universally recognized.

    The wars band was a social institution of the time. It was a tightly organized military society run by husband and wife. According to Tacitus, a Roman historian, the chief's wife had the responsibility of predicting the outcome of the plan of attack given to the gods, and influencing it with magic. It was called "Veleda". During the rituals before the wars, she is the one who is destined to serve the cup of alcohol which symbolizes temporal and spiritual power.

    We find the portrait of such a woman in the medieval poem Beowulf. He recounts the adventures of the king Hrodgar and his warband in the country that is Denmark today. The Queen of Hrodgard is called Wealhpeow in Old English which corresponds to Veleda in Latin. In the poem, Wealhpeow's daily actions that are similar to drinking rituals are necessary for warrior unison and power structure. The wealhpeow/Hrothgar union presented in the poem reflects a robust and vigorous politico-theological concept.

    This design is taken from Norse mythology, more specifically from the couple of gods Frija who is the Veleda and Wodanaz who is the leader. Subsequently, they became Frigg and Odin or Freya and Odr. In addition to the similarities cited above, it can be seen that both Freyja and Wealhpeow had a Brosinga mene, in old norse Brisingar. It is a necklace made of gold and amber.

    Freya was also known to lead warriors into battle using her chariot drawn by cats or boars; this led some cultures to believe that she could resurrect fallen warriors on the battlefield or even protect them from danger during battle. Finally, it was believed that when a person died, they were taken away by Odin or Freya, depending on which god they devoted themselves to during their lifetime. This further solidifies her position as the goddess of love and death in Norse mythology.




    @JDR inspirations

    Frigg is also a goddess and a völva like Freya. Frigg is Odin's wife, while Freya is Odr's. She also has a set of falcon feathers that allow her to fly, like Freya's. In the Lokasenna, a Scandinavian poem, when Loki had sworn at Frigg, Freya warned him of Frigg's gift and power by telling him that she knew the fate of all and was able to practice Seidr.

    Frigg and Freya are goddesses of love and fertility. Freya is a goddess of the Vanes and Frigg of the Aesir. The meanings of the names of their husbands are the same: inspiration, ecstasy and fury. In the Poetic Edda of Norse Mythology, Odr is portrayed as someone who travels a lot, leaving his wife alone. Freya who misses him often mourns him. However, in several Scandinavian tales, it is indicated that Odin also travels through the Nine Worlds.

    There are several similarities that lead us to believe that Odin and Odr are the same people.

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